
Interactive fiction 2024

Windows executable file | Unity3D | Windows OS | Stereo | Approximate duration : 20min

Located in a Garden-City, in-between a suburban nature and a world-city, Electrical-darkness is a place where different perceptions can be experienced through a body interface implemented under the epidermis. In this ultra-sensitive metaverse, the body is the site of all kinds of self-fictions.
The epidermal interface has been designed on the basis of hypersensitivity phenomena. Coupled with an internal eye that allows these phenomena to be visually re-translated, the interface enables multiple levels of perception, time distortion and the infiltration of different bodily materials. In this hyper-intuitive metaverse, every form of individuality is plural. Electrical-darkness is a metaverse constructed like a set traversed by immobile speeds, where perception leads to explorations with fluid contours and where the body is subjected to varying degrees of emotional variation. Mutualism, symbiotic mutations, processes of perceptual multiplication and emotional hyper-activity form a framework in which to insert and dilute oneself. Electrical-darkness is an experiment in the dematerialisation of the self in exponential fictions.
In this first-person game, the aim is to explore the Garden-City and discover the many functions of the body interface. The Garden-City is made up of different platforms that can only be accessed through levels of attention generated by the body interface. However, there are no instructions on how to use the interface at the start of the experience.

With the support of ADAGP (France) and Gastatelier Gleis70 (Switzerland)


FESTIVALS : Rencontres Traverse Vidéo (Toulouse, France) 2025 | Internationales Digitalkunst Festival (Stuttgart, Germany) 2024 | SIMULTAN Festival, Desire for the useless (Timisoara, Romania) 2024 | Fragments of interests (Košice city park, Slovakia) 2024 | Projekt DUO - Videoinstallation im 6.Stock (Zurich, Switzerland) 2024
