Fulldome 2020
(in collaboration with Myriam Bleau)
Evocation of a cybernetic garden designed in multiple scenes, this work contemplates a potential symbiosis between the human being and a state of rediscovered nature. Through ecosophy and interspecies mutualism, it explores the possibility of identifying ourselves with a mutant nature, a plantbecoming state or the experience of infrahuman lives. In search of a biosensitivity - a non-human / hypernatural sensitivity.
With the support of Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, CALQ and Canada Council for the Arts
Festival Platform Award (Dome Theater Category) Japan Media Arts Festival 2021
PRIX : Festival Platform Award (Dome Theatre Category), Japan Media Art Festival 2021
FESTIVALS : "Prémonitions", ré·CRÉATIONMTL (Montreal, Canada) 2023 | "Sous dôme #1" - Festival des Arts numériques immersifs, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie (Paris, France) 2023 | MUTEK Montreal, SAT (Canada) 2022 | Akousma Festival, MTL-Connecte, SAT (Montreal, Canada) 2021 | Future Vision Lab (Taipei, Taiwan) 2021 | "L’Odyssée IV", planétarium de Vaux-en-Velin (France) 2021 | Nuit européenne des Musées, Planétarium de la cité des sciences et de l'industrie (Paris, France) 2021